

You’re Enough provides resources for teens and young adults to learn skills to manage bullying, cyber bullying & negative peer pressure.

Our goal is to bring best practices of social emotional learning (SEL) into the curriculum of after school programming so all students have access to them.  Some schools offer forms of SEL. Until all students can be formally taught how to deal with anger, relationships, self-awareness, and how they affect others, we would like to help teach these skills on a case-by-case basis in afterschool settings.

When You’re Enough is fully funded, we will provide youth ages 8 to 18:

1) Virtual real-time 24/7 mentoring – (866) 628-0339

2) Workshops that teach how to manage your situations, environments, and emotions in more effective ways

and more to help pre-teens, teens and young adults grow into the successful adults they deserve to be.

If you feel you can benefit from police involvement or mental health intervention, dial 9-1-1 and/or call the phone number on the back of your or your parents’ health insurance card.

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